There are brands that we know for so long that sometimes we even forget that it started as someone’s dream. Every idea has to begin sometime and somewhere, and it can take years until that specific creation achieve its full potential. 🚀

Some of those now worldwide famous brands had even made it to the movies! That’s the case when they story is so interesting that it becomes the theme for a picture film. Here, we remember a few of those so you can watch at home. 📽️

The Founder (2016) 🍔

McDonalds is the world’s most famous fast food chain, but its story is full of facts that are not very know by most of us. This movie tells this story with all its secrets. A great lesson for entrepreneurs.

The Social Network (2010) 👍

Nowadays, everyone is familiar with Facebook and its potential for business. But the social media that turned into a gigantic technology conglomerate and important brand started when its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, met other people. This movie shows how this path was made.

Jobs (2013) 🍎

Another tech personality who was portrayed in a picture movie was Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. The movie shows Jobs’ career with all its ups and down, being an excellent lesson for those who think the business field is only made of successes.

Do you already have a company and want to take the next step to get your brand known in other countries? Pereira Bertozzi can help. We are part of a group with 30 years of experience in the brand and patent registration field, and we are here to help you achieve your dream by ensuring the rights over your creation anywhere in the world. 🌎

Get in touch to find out more about how PB can be useful for your goals and growth opportunities. 💬

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