At this moment when we are all struggling against something beyond our forces, some attitudes can make a huge difference.

This is why Pereira Bertozzi IP office in Brazil, is extremely proud of its clients. As an example, we have the innovation startup Hi Technologies, which have adapted its admirable device Hilab, a compact exam machine, to give test results for the coronavirus (Covid-19) in about 15 minutes at a cost of approximately only U$ 26 . 🔬

For those who maintain their strenght with faith, another one of our clients, Associação Evangelizar, have created a 40 day online prayer system, as well as receiving and printing pictures of congregation members to be displayed at the benches of the Santuário Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe, in the town of Curitiba, during the pandemic. 🙏

Another client, Hiperfarma, a pharmacy chain, made the news as one of its branches decided to donate hand sanitizer to those in need. 🏥

We are extremely glad to share news like that, and we believe that we will all go through this and, perhaps, find a new and better world very soon. Let’s keep doing our best to overcome this unexpected situation in the best way we can. Let’s make our home office an extension of our professional work and make sure everyone is safe and ready to support each other. ❤️

Even at distance, together we stand. Count on us. 👋

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Rua Almirante Tamandaré, 925
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