
The new Coronatrack device / Photos: UERJ

Brazilian scientists from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Uerj) have developed a low-cost device that makes it possible to detect the load of coronavirus in an environment. Named Coronatrack, the prototype of the device cost around 200 Brazilian reais according to the researchers, a value well below the approximately 4 thousand Brazilian reais charged for a similar equipment from other countries. 💵

The Coronatrack has a mini air pump that is attached to a box on the user’s belt. The device is then connected to a hose attached to the pocket or collar of the shirt, and this is where the viral load is detected. After collecting the material, the box is then taken to the laboratory, where the viral load of a given environment is revealed. 🧪

Researcher responsible for the development of the equipment, Professor Heitor Evangelista revealed that Coronatrack is also equipped with GPS, which allows to map the load of the Covid-19 virus, thus discovering places where the virus is circulating with greater intensity. 🦠

Those responsible for the device stated that Coronatrack is already in the process of being patented, and the device is being tested at the University Hospital Pedro Ernesto (Hupe), from Uerj. The researchers also work so that the device can be manufactured on a large scale, enabling a better understanding of the coronavirus load in different regions of Brazil and in other countries. 🌎

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