Throughout its nearly 30 years of activity, Pereira Bertozzi has helped several important foreign companies to register their patents and trademarks in Brazil and also Brazilian companies, in other places of the world.
Among those, we have the worldwide famous Israeli charity Keren Kayemet Leisrael, which has registered several brands with our help. Same goes for the South-African AEL Minings S.L, responsible for producing mining equipments. Also from South Africa comes The South African Nuclear Energy, which has registered their patent in our home-based country with us.
We can also point the National Institutes For Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, from Japan; the Faculdade de Ciêncidas da Universidade de Lisboa, from Portugal; and the celebrated 3M Electronic Monitoring LTD, from Israel, as examples of companies who have trusted our services to patent their inventions in Brazil.
Pereira Bertozzi is extremely proud of its connections around the globe. We are members of the International Trademark Association (INTA), and we comply with all the Brazilian and International laws of industrial and intellectual property in order to offer the best service available to our clients.
Get in touch to know more of how we work and find out how we can help your company to be protected anywhere around the globe. It will be a great pleasure to have your company in our hall of fame.