Some brands simply transcend their segment and even become synonymous with the product and service they offer. They conquer fans, collectors and go down in history as true objects of worship. They are the Lovemarks. This definition, elaborated by the author Kevin Roberts and disseminated in Marketing studies, in practice comes down to the brands that build an intimate relationship with their consumers and hooks them by the emotional aspect.

However, why do we like Lovemarks so much? The explanation is beyond our immediate satisfaction. When we hire a service or purchase a product and they arouse positive feelings capable of marking an occasion or awakening identification with the values issued, we build a special relationship with the brand. This sentimental link builds meanings and, every time we think of something related, this mark automatically appears in our mind.

Lovemarks, contrary to popular belief, don’t necessarily need to be world or nationally famous. Some regional and local brands achieve this status with their customers by offering services and products with peculiar or personalized characteristics. In these cases, they become true intangible assets of a given location.

Local Lovemarks


In Curitiba, Brazil, a city where Pereira Bertozzi maintains the headquarters of its intellectual property office, some local brands stand out among the others, such as Padaria América, which guaranteed its registration with us. The recipes of their German delicacies has passed between the generations of the Engelhardt family since 1913, when they founded the bakery in Curitiba. The family came from Germany in 1882 and, in 1885, Friedrich Engelhardt, the patriarch, founded the “Rio Branco Society” and the city’s first steam brewery.


The citizens of Curitiba keep Padaria América in their affective memory for the delicious sweets, breads, cookies and breads, which combine German essence with Brazilian ingredients. This fusion of flavors has already won the “Best Bread” award, granted by Veja Curitiba magazine, a regional version of the most famous Brazilian magazine, and Bom Gourmet, in the “Bread” category, promoted by the Gazeta do Povo newspaper. In 2011, the history of the bakery was immortalized in the book “A Padaria América e o Pão das Gerações Curitibanas”, written by nutritionist Juliana Reinhardt.


The Padaria América brand contains the ideal ingredients for a beautiful Lovemark recipe: tradition, quality products and the credibility of those who satisfy the demanding palate of customers for over a century. On a trip to Curitiba, visit Padaria América and discover why it is synonymous for a great breakfast.

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