Pereira Bertozzi’s main objective is to provide an efficient and pleasant experience to our clients when it comes to the registration of foreign trademarks and patents in Brazil and Brazilian ones in other countries abroad.

Here, our client Werner Uhlmann, owner of the company Provent, tells us how it was to perform this procedure with our team. Provent is the inventor of the revolutionary CYCLOAR Wind Stationary and Illuminator.

“Hiring Pereira Bertozzi was the most important measure of our company, as our invention could be registered at INPI and in other countries quickly and directly without difficulties and the acquired rights greatly valued the company’s business.

Pereira Bertozzi’s team is highly specialized and prepared. All of our inventions are under their responsibility and we feel safe, confident and satisfied with the quality and effectiveness of their services “

With three decades of experience in the trademark and patent business, the Pereira Bertozzi group, prides itself on having excellence as its main quality.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help protect the rights of your brand or creation anywhere in the world. Our qualified team is ready to help you continue to grow in your industry.

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