First of all, you will be better protected if you choose a company with knowledge in the field, such as Pereira Bertozzi, a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA) as well as the Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property (ABPI) and the Brazilian Association of the Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI) with nearly 30 years of experience with its sister company, A Criativa. ®️

Then, if you have already registered your patent in your country, you have up to 12 months to go ahead and ask the patent extension to Brazil or if you applied to PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) you could choose Brazil as national phase for the patent, at any time. 📃

Considering all costs, we can say that the registration of a foreign patent in Brazil will cost an average of US$ 1200, including the translation.

If you want to save time and money, you can get in touch with Pereira Bertozzi to find out how we can make this process easier and more reliable for you. We are ready to safeguard your patent in all of the Brazilian territory, helping you through this process with professionalism and wisdom.

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