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PB’s founders, Eduardo Pereira and Vinicius Bertozzi, visiting the International Trademark Association (INTA) annual meeting.

On a day like this, exactly five years ago, Pereira Bertozzi was officially founded.

Created as a part of the A Criativa group, a company with nearly 30 years of experience in the Brazilian market of trademarks and patents registration, PB has established itself as the arm for international operations of the company.

Throughout these years, we have reached major achievements for both Brazilian companies with focus on the patent and trademark registrations on foreign territories, and international business who have registered their brands and developments in the South American country.

Our consultancy begins with talking to the client about the best way to sell their services, as well as making decisions about the chances of success in granting the patent or brand. We also help them on writing the qualified patent application and monitoring the process of the patents and collateral marks of third parties and in administrative technical defence with INPI and its foreign equivalents. Last but not least, we also help our customers in materializing the projects covered by their patents.

Some companies who have counted with our services are Hi Technologies, Carob House foods and Velsis ITS, all from Brazil. Our international partners includes the National Institutes For Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, from Japan; the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, from Portugal; and the celebrated 3M Electronic Monitoring LTD, from Israel, among others.

We are proud for being part of the international trademark and patent registration ecosystem, and we hope to be around for many more years to come, helping all sorts of business in assuring their rights according to the international laws of intellectual property.

Get in touch to see how we can you help to achieve your goals. Congratulations for all who have stood with us during these years. We are extremely proud to have you on our side.

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